Monday, March 25, 2013


So this weekend we attended The 5K Color Run. Let me tell you, if you have a chance to do it anywhere near where you live, GO DO IT!!! I am not a small girl and I did not train for it because I have knee issues and I knew I wasn't going to be able to I had my small daughter who I knew couldn't run the whole time. (that was a good excuse for me anyway)
"Nope, can't run...don't need to train....bringing small children!"

We did jog some but mostly walked and finished in about an hour. It was the most fun I have every had doing any form of exercise EVER!! If there were a Color Run here everyday...I would be a skinny little B*%#$!!!!
I supposed I could station my children at .5 mile intervals and have them throw paint on me or something...that might work!
The thing about the Color Run is the energy. People are pumped up, the music is good and loud. Many dress in crazy costumes or outfits (we styled in our knee high rainbow socks!) It REALLY is the Happiest 5K on the Planet!! Kudos to whoever came up with the concept for this run.

My body ACHES, my muscles are sore and I was TIRED.....and I would do it again today. I am motivated to feel like this again! My body and my mind love the aching and the feeling that I WANT to do this again and do good things for my body!!!!
AGAIN-IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO DO THIS....DO IT!!!!! Young, Old, Fat, Skinny....DO IT!!! My son-in the picture has Autism, and I didn't know if the big crowd (14,000 people) would bother him or not...HE LOVED IT...immediately yesterday after coming home and showering he asked if we could do it again next year!!!

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